An Introduction to Cretan Laouto
Giorgos Manolakis, hailing from Heraklion, Crete, embarked on his musical journey at the tender age of 8, under the tutelage of his father, Kostas Zacharopoulos, a renowned lauoto virtuoso of his time. At 14, he expanded his repertoire by delving into the intricacies of the bouzouki, honing his skills under the guidance of esteemed masters of the instrument. Today, Giorgos stands as a preeminent virtuoso of his generation, revered for his mastery of both the laouto and the bouzouki. In this presentation, Giorgos will explore the enduring significance and his virtuosity on the laouto within the cultural tapestry of Cretan music, drawing upon his own expertise and experience.
Workshop Leaders: Giorgos Manolakis More work by Giorgos:
Workshop Level: All levels.
Accessibility: This venue is not accessible to persons using a wheelchair.
Price: EUR10
Terms & Conditions
By attending this event, attendees agree to being captured on camera for documentative and marketing purposes, allowing for the content to be stored and reinterpreted for an indefinite period of time.
Giorgos Manolakis, hailing from Heraklion, Crete, embarked on his musical journey at the tender age of 8, under the tutelage of his father, Kostas Zacharopoulos, a renowned lauoto virtuoso of his time. At 14, he expanded his repertoire by delving into the intricacies of the bouzouki, honing his skills under the guidance of esteemed masters of the instrument. Today, Giorgos stands as a preeminent virtuoso of his generation, revered for his mastery of both the laouto and the bouzouki. In this presentation, Giorgos will explore the enduring significance and his virtuosity on the laouto within the cultural tapestry of Cretan music, drawing upon his own expertise and experience.
Workshop Leaders: Giorgos Manolakis More work by Giorgos:
Workshop Level: All levels.
Accessibility: This venue is not accessible to persons using a wheelchair.
Price: EUR10
Terms & Conditions
By attending this event, attendees agree to being captured on camera for documentative and marketing purposes, allowing for the content to be stored and reinterpreted for an indefinite period of time.